polyurethane nubbed belt (open length)

The self-guiding nubbed profile N10 has axially symmetrical nops with involute for an perfect meshing behaviour, optimised force - and load distribution for a quieter runability of/low vibration drives. The technical data refer to standard polyurethane (thermoplastic) and standard steel tension members (two-filament arrangement S+Z). Standard lengths: 30 m and / or 60 m.


  • single-sided; standard colour black
  • HF-flexible tension member version
  • with nylon facing on the back of the belt (PAR)

On request:

  • Polyurethane special materials
  • additional tension member versions (steel)
  • antistatic
  • In-between width
  • Special lengths
  • endless joined belts (V) with a length of 1000mm and more

Please consider our warranty.

standard storage goods
Cut to length

1. Tooth shear strength

specific tooth force

Rotational speed n [rpm] Ftspez [N/cm] Rotational speed n [rpm] Ftspez [N/cm]
0 35,868 1400 23,914
20 35,416 1500 23,524
40 34,992 1600 23,156
60 34,593 1700 22,806
80 34,216 1800 22,473
100 33,859 1900 22,156
150 33,041 2000 21,854
200 32,311 2200 21,286
300 31,051 2400 20,762
400 29,989 2600 20,275
500 29,071 2800 19,822
600 28,263 3000 19,396
700 27,541 3200 18,996
800 26,888 3400 18,618
900 26,293 3600 18,260
1000 25,746 3800 17,920
1100 25,239 4000 17,596
1200 24,768 4500 16,849
1300 24,328 5000 16,175

The specific tooth force Ftspez is the maximum force N a belt tooth with a width of 1 cm can transmit. This value depends on the rotational speed of the drive pulley. The calculation takes into account each identical carrying values for each meshing tooth. With more than 12 meshing teeth ze is limited to 12.

F_t&= {F_{tspez} \cdot z_e \cdot b}\\
F_t& = {\text{Tangential force}}\\
F_{tspez}&= {\text{Specific tooth force in N/cm}}\\
b& = \text{Belt width in cm} \\
z_e&= \text{Number of meshing teeth}\\
z_{emax}&= 12

2. Tension cord strength (V) Ftzul [N] (endless joined)

Permitted tensile load of the belt Fzul. in N

Belt width b [mm]   20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
N10-HF 650 1300 1950 2600 3250 3900 4550 5200 5850 6500

Specific elasticity Cspez [N]:

Bsp: 10[6] = 106

Belt width b [mm] 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
N10-HF 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0

Belt weights [kg/m]:

Belt width b [mm] 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
N10-HF 0,043 0,086 0,129 0,172 0,215 0,258 0,301 0,344 0,387 0,43

3. Flexibility

Minimum number of teeth, minimum diameter

( X ) without contraflexure

( X X ) with contraflexure

Belt type Number of teeth Tension roller Tension roller
  zmin (X) dmin [mm] (X) dmin [mm] (XX)
N10-HF 16 40 50

N10-HF-PAR CONTI® SYNCHRODRIVE Polyurethan-Noppenriemen (Meterware)